Friday, November 2, 2007

McCain, Torture and Chickenhawks

Reported by the AP today McCain has come out and said that the current Republican candidates without military experience are not qualified to lead a country nor make decisions about torture. About torture, McCain was very specific about waterboarding in a response aimed at Giuliani.

"Mayor Giuliani just contradicted himself because anybody who has experience in warfare knows that waterboarding is by any definition torture and cannot be condoned."

The article also mentioned the draft avoidance of Giuliani who stayed out of Vietnam by going to law school and working as a judge. I bet there were a lot of good law students and judges that now have their name on that memorial wall in Washington, Giuliani owes them a thanks. The best, I think was Romney's deferment reason, service in FRANCE as a missionary. Wow, now I know there are about 50,000 names on that wall who would have loved that task.


Of course my question for McCain is what makes him think the current leadership or drafters of this war in Iraq are capable of making decisions about war or torture? The king of the bunch has to be five-deferment Dick Cheney. He had other things to do. Accumulate $100 million personal wealth at the government hog trough, and a couple of years working at the government-parasite company, Halliburton. Halliburton loved him so much they convened a special meeting of the board to waive the retirement requirements to give old Dick a nice little retirement package.

Then of course we have our currant occupant, Dumbya Bush. He was a mighty guard member flying a plane that would never ever have been deployed to Vietnam. And of course before his bedding down with the Bush crowd Collin Powell had this to say about the draft and guard system in place during Vietnam in his book, "My American Journey."

"The policies determining who would be drafted and who would be deferred, who would serve and who would escape, who would die and who would live, were an anti-democratic disgrace." He went on: "I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well-placed … managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units."

Thanks John for pointing out the obvious to us today, many of us have been pointing this out now for seven yeas.

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