Thursday, November 1, 2007

Where is our economy going? Ask the Irainians.

Where is the economy going? Not to mention the wars.

Well for working folks it is not looking good. With oil nearing $100 a barrel the price of gas at the pump will be looking backwards to see $3.00/gallon. Our Currant Occupant of the White House is scratching his trigger finger again aiming for Iran. His trigger finger has all but removed the Iraqi oil from the market; I imagine a strike by him on Iran would remove their oil from the market. Then one has to consider what would the Iranians do?

One of the issues always facing the Navy in the Persian Gulf is that they would be in a very movement restricted “fish bowl.” In Gulf One they came to the conclusion, “yes, we can operate in the Gulf.” But what happens if all of a sudden they are facing two theaters of action, Iraq and Iran, not to mention Afghanistan. The only way in or out of the Persian Gulf is the Strait of Hormuz. A quick check will reveal an area of water that would not take very sophisticated weapons to block. From my Navy post yesterday I talked about the Malacca Strait being a path of much of our oil. Hormuz is THE choke point where the western world could be cut off from most of its oil supply. Would the Iranians attempt to block Hormuz if we bombed them? Look at the history of their war with Iraq. They are capable of fighting long and hard, and an attack on their sovereignty might just trigger all kinds of nasty events. So what does this have to do with our economy? Ask yourself what $200-$300 a barrel oil would do to the price of gas? Heating oil?

One would think with all their oil business savvy that W and his VP have they would know all this. Well maybe they do, if oil hits those moon-high prices you can bet some of their benefactors will be pocketing a lot of profit.

Of course if the Current Occupant pulls the trigger it very well could open up a lot of combat jobs, jobs that those 12,000 workers at Chrysler being laid off could apply for.

For the job loss story check out the following link:

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